Stronger Twogether

Stronger Twogether are an incredible sports team currently in training for the “World’s Toughest Row” for charity. Jooles and Ian will be rowing 3000 nautical miles from La Gomera in the Canary Islands to Antigua, in 2025.

If you feel you could sponsor or support them in any way – please get in touch with them via their facebook page:

My contribution to this incredible feat has been to donate my design skills in creating their logo.

Ian came to me with a clear idea of how he wanted to make a heart-shape using an ‘S’ and a ‘2’ to represent how it’s the strength of their partnership that will power them through this tremendous mission. Similarly, he had a good idea of what colours they’d like to use and how to incorporate the very specific ocean rowing oars they would be using.

So for me, it was then a fairly simple process of putting all that together and just trying a few slight variations until we hit on a winner. Ultimately, I suppled several versions of the logo to enable them to make use of it in as many different ways as they might wish.

Stronger Twogether Logo 1
Stronger Twogether Logo 2
Stronger Twogether Logo 3

It’s been great to see their logo popping up in its different forms over all their promotional material.

Stronger Twogether Facebook Banner 1
Stronger Twogether Facebook Banner 2
Stronger Twogether Facebook Post 1
Stronger Twogether Facebook Post 2

I found it especially exciting to see their logo embroidered onto all their different clothing!

Stronger Twogether Clothing 1
Stronger Twogether Clothing 2
Stronger Twogether Clothing 3

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